Set Auto Increment position, always for the smallest ID


Viewed 662 times


I have a database Mysql, where contains a table called usuarios

This table contains a column ID, where is Autoincrement and kind INT

I need you to:

  • Whenever I enter the first result the ID be equal to 1

But if you delete and re-enter another result:

  • ID is no longer 1 and becomes 2

How do I always have the smallest ID which has not been used?

  • Through a Rigger.

  • Can you give an example of how to do?

  • Already answered... tell me if it worked!

2 answers


This is standard and will always happen.

If you have 2 overlapping transactions you are making INSERTs:

  • Transaction 1 makes a INSERT, gets the ID 26 (for example)
  • Transaction 2 makes a INSERT, gets the ID 27


  • If transaction 1 fails, reverse operation
  • Transaction 2 is completed with ID 27

If the consecutive values were guaranteed, each transaction would have to happen one after the other, i.e., would totally lose scalability. I wouldn’t worry about this type of control, because this type of standardization of data seems ineffective.

If the question is for enlightening effect I see no problem.

But for projects I do not recommend!

  • 1

    Good observation. And there is another: if someone deletes an ID in the middle of the sequence, it will be "hole" anyway, unless you renumber everything every time (or do some crazy algorithm to move the largest of all to the number released, which would put in doubt the very reason of the column). If Gonçalo needs sequential numbering, it would probably be the case to take the positional number of the record after ordering, and not the ID.


One simple way to achieve this is by using a gatilho || trigger in the table where you want to control the auto_increment.

Try to adapt the example below to your reality.

Let’s imagine a tabela_qualquer who has the spine id int not null auto_increment. The trigger will take the maximum value of this column and increment 10 before entering data.

create trigger usr_tg_tabela_qualquer BEFORE INSERT ON tabela_qualqer


SELECT IFNULL(MAX(id),0) + 10 INTO NEW_ID FROM tabela_qualquer;


Any doubt in the syntax I suggest to consult the Documentación Oficial.

  • It was a mistake, and that’s not exactly what I intend, I intend to make a transaction, so that it is automated.

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