I am beginner with Android programming and am following the book "Google Android" (2012), of Code House.
I arrived at a part where you should create "menus" using the functions present in android.view.Menu*, and the expected result should be something like that of the image below:
However, when running on my device (Android 5.1.1) the menu does not appear and no error is triggered.
I did some research and I came to the conclusion that this occurs because the newer versions of android no longer have the "options" button (or something like that).
Well, I wonder if there are alternative ways to represent these menus, since during the course, new implementations will be made using these menus.
Thank you for your attention!
put the code of what you have already done there to get an idea of what you need
– Armando Marques Sobrinho
Probably if you hold(long click) the minimize button of your navigation bar, the menu will appear.
– viana
@Armandomarquessobrinho - It’s a very simple code, but I’m not going to warm my head about it. As it is just for learning, I will replace the view.Menu with a Alertdialog (famous gambiarra). Acklay - I tried, but it doesn’t work. Thank you!
– Michael Willy
Android is in you counted change, if it is starting, do not study by old material.
– ramaral
@ramaral I bought the book from the code house thinking it was updated, but it seems I was wrong. Anyway, it is enough to give me a basis, nothing that other research does not solve to improve me. Can you recommend something?
– Michael Willy
No. I usually go to the Internet. I always have attention to the date of publication and I see more than one on the same subject. I don’t know if this is your case but before Android comes Java, it is necessary to master it minimally to make learning Android easier.
– ramaral