How to resolve the Fusioncharts issue in Google Chrome?


Viewed 68 times


I’m having a problem on my page that contains library charts FusionCharts.
In the IE works normally, my machine’s Chrome also works, however, I have another machine that in place of the graph appears failed download, however, on the same machine IE.

Follow the code of the page:

$strXML = "<graph caption='ABSENTEEISM BY SECTOR' bgColor='000000,000000' basefontcolor='#ffffff'
          basefontsize='21' basefont='Calibri' theme='fint' borderthickness='0' valueonright='1' canvasbgcolor='#000000' xAxisName='' yAxisName='Quantity of MOs'>";
while($result = mysql_fetch_array($sql)){
    //echo $result['HORA']."<br>";      

    $strXML .= "<set label='".$result[0]."' value='".$result[1]."' color='".$color."' />";

$geral = mysql_query("select round((falta/total)*100) as total, round((gestante/total)*100) as gravida, round((pcd/total)*100) as pcd from
(select count(*) as falta from prom.absenteismo where observacao not in ('PCD','AFASTADO','FERIAS','GESTANTE')) as tb1,
(select count(*) as pcd from prom.absenteismo where observacao in ('PCD')) as tb2,
(select count(*) as total from prom.absenteismo) as tb3,
(select count(*) as gestante from prom.absenteismo where observacao in ('GESTANTE')) as tb4");

$total = mysql_fetch_row($geral);

$strXML .=  "</graph>";
echo "<center>";
echo renderChart("Charts/Column3D.swf", "", $strXML, "chart1", 1200, 400);
echo "</center>";  
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