How to select a piece of the Java string?


Viewed 4,536 times


I have the String x = "@646646&".

I’d like to take everything in between @ and & and play in another String. Regardless of what is between these characters being number or not.

How do I do?

  • Use regular expressions to select only numbers, here you can test your regular expression, for example to pick just type number \d and this will select only the numbers of your String

  • You want to take only numbers or whatever is between @ and &?

  • 1

    @Igorventurelli all this between @ and &

3 answers


Note: The question was edited and with that this answer ended up being invalidated. However, I will keep the answer here because it can still be useful.

Utilize x.replaceAll("(?:[^0-9]+)", ""), where x is your String.

See here an example:

public class Main {
    public static void main (String[] args) {
        String x = "@646646&";
        String z = x.replaceAll("(?:[^0-9]+)", "");

See here working on ideone.

Instead of "(?:[^0-9]+)", you could also use the "(?:[^\\d]+)" which is equivalent.

  • Where you put the regular expression, it could be changed to \d so select only the numbers of the string?

  • @R.Santos Yes, I could. I put a last paragraph about this observation.

  • @Victorstafusa he edited the question. He wants to take whatever is between @ and &, whether or not it is a number.

  • @Igorventurelli Thanks for the warning.


You can use the methods indexOf() and substring() both of the class String:

public class Teste {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String x = "@646646&";
        int indexArroba = x.indexOf("@");
        int indexEComercial = x.indexOf("&");
        String resultado = x.substring(indexArroba + 1, indexEComercial);




The method indexOf() returns the position of first occurrence found of String passed as parameter. If no occurrence is found return -1.

The method substring() returns a piece of a String.

Its parameters are:

  • int beginIndex : index from where you want this "piece" of String

  • int endIndex : index of how far you want that "piece" of String

Here you find the official class documentation String.


Still using regular expression you could catch the grouping

public static void main(String args[]) {
    String x = "@646646&";

    Pattern regex = Pattern.compile("@(.+)&");
    //Ou se sempre fosse apenas numeros
    //Pattern regex = Pattern.compile("@(\\d+)&");
    Matcher matcher = regex.matcher(x);

    while (matcher.find()) {
        String resultado =;


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