Converting Python Web Scraper 2.7 to 3.5


Viewed 58 times


Good afternoon, everyone!

Here’s the deal: I found a script in Python 2.7 but I have version 3.6. As I am new in this field, I wanted to work manually to convert this script. Follow the code below:

### Modified for naming pics by tag
import requests,urllib
import shutil
import re
import os
import os.path
import time
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

def getnopages(noofpages):
for link in alla:
    href = str(link.get('href'))
    if href.find('page') >=0:
        currpages = int((re.findall('\d+',href))[-1])
        if currpages > noofpages:
            noofpages = currpages
return noofpages

def getlink(url):
soup = BeautifulSoup(urllib.request import urlopen(url))
alla = soup.findAll("img")
for link in alla:
    href = str(link.get('src'))
    if href.startswith('http://images'):
        parts ='(.*\/\d*\/)(thumb.*?(\d+\.\w+))',href).groups()
        href = parts[0] + parts[-1]
        item_name = "item_"+parts[-1].split(".")[0]
        atmp = soup.find("div",  { 'id':item_name} ).findNext('span', { 'class' : 'thumb-info-big' })
        if atmp == None:
            atmp = soup.find("div",  { 'id':item_name} ).findNext('span', { 'class' : 'thumb-info-small' })
        if atmp == None:
            atmp = soup.find("div",  { 'id':item_name} ).findNext('span', { 'class' : 'thumb-info-medium' })
        pic_ex = "." + parts[-1].split(".")[1]
        pic_name = atmp.contents[-2].string
        print ("href")
        downloadable.append([href, pic_name, pic_ex])

def downloadfiles(downloadable):
no = 0
DEFAULT_DIRECTORY = str(os.getcwd()) + "/pics"
for item in downloadable[0:]:
    pic_url = item[0]
    pic_name = item[1]
    pic_ex = item[2]
    print (str(no) + " from " + str(len(downloadable)) + " pictures")
    response = requests.get(pic_url, stream=True)
    outputDirectory = pic_name
    if not os.path.exists(outputDirectory):
    os.chdir(DEFAULT_DIRECTORY +"/" + outputDirectory)
    with open(pic_name+str(time.time())+pic_ex, 'wb') as out_file:
        shutil.copyfileobj(response.raw, out_file)
    del response

#url = ''
#url = ''
url = ''
baseurl = url[0:url.find('page=')+5]
r = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content)
alla = soup.find_all("a")
noofpages = -1
noofpages = getnopages(noofpages)
downloadable = [] 

for each in range(1,noofpages):
getlink (baseurl+str(each))
print (str(each) + " from " + (str(noofpages) + " pages"))


Do you have any knowledge of where I can get a base with command equivalences?

If you have the knowledge of conversion, teach me!

Thanks a lot, guys! :)

Update 1:

I revised the code and fixed [or think I fixed] most of the syntax errors in the code, but I’m still facing issues in the last few lines:

for each in range(1,noofpages):
getlink (baseurl+str(each))
print (str(each) + " from " + (str(noofpages) + " pages"))

It accuses syntax error in getlink, so I made the following change:

for each in range(1,noofpages):
print(str(each) + "from" + (str(noofpages) + "pages"))

Still it keeps accusing syntax error in itself

  • 4

    it would not be interesting if you try to run this and keep bringing the mistakes that keep happening?

  • Hi Guilherme! I can do that! As it was my first question, I decided not to risk too much, but I had already thought about it. @ Edit: To start, I get a nice "Invalid Sythax" on line 19, import: Soup = Beautifulsoup(urllib.request import urlopen(url)) At first I thought it was the urllib, but I didn’t see anything wrong there. Any idea?

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