Undefined method `id' for nil:Nilclass


Viewed 604 times


I’m a beginner in Ruby, and I made this mistake...

 def new
    @section = Section.new({:page_id => @page.id, :name => "Default"})
    @pages = @page.subject.pages.sorted
    @section_count = Section.count + 1

Tell me the problem is on line two, someone can help me?

  • Apparently, @page is not initialized. Boot a puts @page at the very beginning of the method

  • continues to make the same mistake

  • Of course it will give the same error. I am interested in debugging to know what the value of @page. He hasn’t printed anything? How are you testing your code?

  • did not print anything, I am trying to access the page sections/new from the browser

  • You start the application from a terminal?

  • yes, but also not print anything on the terminal

  • Where would you like to see the information at @page? Who fills in this information for you to seek the id hers?

  • If possible, there are more details about the class created by you?

  • Ok, I confirmed here by reading several examples. When you call the new, your object is still empty. Therefore, @page has value nil. You need to pass as an argument new something he can start @page

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1 answer


It’s got a hell of a face to be a method new in a controller of a Rails application where @page would be being initialized somewhere out of of the method, probably in a before_action. If you don’t initialize @page with something, it is automatically initialized with nil and will give this error there. Search in your controller where you have some reference to @page that you will find (or not, if not there) your problem.

  • That’s right, if the error continues, create an if @page.present? before calling it, because what happens is that @page is an object, and it’s trying to call an attribute from an object that doesn’t exist, this generates an exception...

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