Pick up value from a Hidden field outside the php loop


Viewed 159 times



I have a php code that brings the value of the product from the bank.

while($jmMostrar = mysqli_fetch_object($sqlMostrar)){
      $mostrar = "<input type='hidden' id='produtos' name='valorProduto' value='".$jmMostrar->ValorProduto."'>";

Each $jmMostrar->Valuemove brings a different value. How would I get these values with jquery? I tried that way, but it only brings me the first value:

$('.value-plus').on('click', function(){
var qtdCarrinho = $("#qtdCarrinho").val();
  • Fox inside the while you don’t want to make a concatenation ($mostrar .= "...) or is that what you really want?

  • Hello Miguel. Actually it is already concatenated. I put here as an example. I need to take the product value and play inside a jquery outside the PHP loop.

  • Ha ok I realized, in this case I think you already have the answer of @Alison who does it. BUT a lot of attention should not have repeated ids in the DOM... My suggestion is to switch to class

1 answer


You can catch it like this:

    if($(this).val() !== undefined){
  • Hello Alisson. Unfortunately it didn’t work.

  • @Fox.11 returns what on Alert ?

  • @Fox.11 changed the code, try it there

  • worked yes, but when it has 02 values, it returns 03 being the latter as undefined...

  • @Fox.11 placed a check

  • perfect.. worked... Thank you very much!

  • I can only accept your reply in 03 minutes, but I will return to accept. rs rs thank you!

  • 1

    Thank you @Fox.11

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