To set up your Angular development environment follow these steps:
Angular Configuration:
--> Node: (Windows Installer)
--> Git:
--> Visual Studio Code:
After installing NODE and Git, configure the environment variables:
..........................................Configuring the environment variable...................................
*Go to "View Advanced System Settings" in the Windows search bar and click "Environment Variables..."
*Create the path below in the field, "System Variables"...
--> Clique em Novo...;
--> Nome da variável: PATH (Tudo maiúsculo);
--> Valor da variável: C:\Program Files\nodejs;C:\Users\NOME_DO_USUÁRIO\AppData\Roaming\npm;C:\Program Files\Git\cmd
*Installing the Angular:
---> Abra o cmd:
---> Vá para a raiz;
---> Execute: "npm install -g @angular/cli".
*Create a new project:
---> Execute: "ng new projetoAngular":
---> Escreva Y e clique em Enter;
---> vá na opção SCSS com as setas e clique em Enter.
*See if the project was created correctly:
---> Abra o projeto(folder) c:\projetoAngular no Visual Studio Code.
*To start the server:
---> Abra o cmd;
---> Vá para a raiz;
---> Entre na pasta projetoAngular (Cd projetoAngular);
---> Execute: "ng serve".
*Testing in the browser with:
---> localhost:4200.