Angular installation 2


Viewed 1,516 times


I have a website ready, it is static. I would like to install Angular 2 on it. I installed the angle from the command npm install @angular/cli and tried to put the html, css, jquery files in it but I’m not getting.

Can anyone explain to me how you do it? Thank you!

3 answers


First you need to do the overall installation of the package using the command

npm install -g @angular/cli

then create an angular design with the command

ng new "nome do app"

ai you can put your files in the src - app folder, always following the angular pattern that you can learn best in the start guide of the angular itself


As the documentation explains you should use the command

npm install -g @angular/cli

To get access to the command line tool that creates and manages projects at an angle. The reason it doesn’t work is that with the flag -g indicates that you are installing the NPM package in global mode, i.e., you will be able to use it by running ng [options] after performing the installation. Without the flag you are installing the angular cli in your current folder and not the angular itself.

Follow the initial Angular 2 tutorial to learn how to use the framework correctly.



To set up your Angular development environment follow these steps:

Angular Configuration:


--> Node: (Windows Installer)
--> Git:
--> Visual Studio Code:

After installing NODE and Git, configure the environment variables:

..........................................Configuring the environment variable...................................

*Go to "View Advanced System Settings" in the Windows search bar and click "Environment Variables..."

*Create the path below in the field, "System Variables"...

--> Clique em Novo...;
--> Nome da variável: PATH (Tudo maiúsculo);
--> Valor da variável: C:\Program Files\nodejs;C:\Users\NOME_DO_USUÁRIO\AppData\Roaming\npm;C:\Program Files\Git\cmd


*Installing the Angular:

---> Abra o cmd:
---> Vá para a raiz;
---> Execute: "npm install -g @angular/cli". 

*Create a new project:

---> Execute: "ng new projetoAngular":
---> Escreva Y e clique em Enter;
---> vá na opção SCSS com as setas e clique em Enter.

*See if the project was created correctly:

---> Abra o projeto(folder) c:\projetoAngular no Visual Studio Code.

*To start the server:

---> Abra o cmd;
---> Vá para a raiz;
---> Entre na pasta projetoAngular (Cd projetoAngular);
---> Execute: "ng serve".

*Testing in the browser with:

---> localhost:4200.

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