Association condition E as formatting between numerical ranges


Viewed 32 times


I would like a hint of how I do to enable the equation below:

  • What is "unfeasible" about it? It would be good to explain what you want to do, and what the problem is.

  • 1

    A problem there is that you are mixing >= and =< in the same expression, in general you have to separate under 2 different conditions. (Python is an exception, allows 1 > x > 7 for example.

  • I don’t understand... she’s unfeasible?

  • The title of the subject and the explanation of its problem are very confused and incoherent. I suggest you redo them to make it clearer to the community the purpose of the topic.

1 answer


Reassess the second logical argument of the function =E ([8>=$R1744<=12,99]). If we separate into two separate equations we have:

R1744 <= 8
R1744 <= 12,99

Kind of redundant, don’t you think? But maybe you mean a number between 8 and 12.99 ([8<=$R1744<=12,99]). Anyway, separate the logical terms, like this:


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