Why the program is terminated before the scanf


Viewed 130 times


I have the following code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

int main()
    float a, b, c, delt, c0, c1, c2;
    char s;
    int op = 1;

    while (op == 1) {
        printf("Please type: a, b c.\n\n");


        delt = b*b;
        printf("%c \n",delt);

        printf("Do you want repeat? (y/n)");

        if (s != "y") {
            op = 0;

    return 0;

Why the last scanf() does not wait for the entrance to follow with the if and decide whether the proceedings may be closed?

I am using the GNU C Compiler copier if it is useful.

  • 1

    You are mixing types. If you use quotes ", you are working with string char*, while with apostrophe, the work is done at the character level char

2 answers


Double quotes instead of single.

if (s != "y") { op = 0; }

Do it:

if (s != 'y') { op = 0; }

When you want to read one character you can always use the getchar() which is specifically made for these types of cases.

I suggest you change the %c where you print the value of del for %.2f or simply %f because read data numbers like float, real. For the rest, in the part where you read the value of s to avoid capturing the buffer and invalidate the entry of y/n you can proceed as in @Lucas Martes' reply.

  • doubles: (string)
  • simple: (char)

To declare variables of type bool, just import the library, or you can set it manually using any of these examples.

#include <stdbool.h>

#define bool int
#define true 1
#define false 0 

typedef enum {true, false} bool;

#import <boolean.h> // já obsoleto nalguns compiladores

Then you can use bool var normally.

  • Is it possible to use Boolean instead of int variable to make this loop confirmation? I can’t declare it I’m totally used to PHP.

  • @Thomsontorvalds talks about the variable op ? And what would that variable be delt, seems misused too.

  • The Delt is to calculate the delta for Bhaskara. Yes I mean op.

  • 1

    @Thomsontorvalds is possible, but you must first import a file depending on the compiler or so in use as you see in the answer. If you have any other questions I recommend you create another one question, because if you continue to edit the answer, you will already have too much content that does not belong to the question in question.


There is an error in your program that Edilson commented on, but it doesn’t solve the problem of early termination. You should add a space to your scanf to ignore line break(and also any space) that was generated before pressing ENTER. Do so:

printf("Do you want repeat? (y/n)");
    scanf(" %c",&s);

Note the white space before the %c.

Also modify:

printf("%c \n",delt);


printf("%f \n",delt);

'Cause Delt is the float type.

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