View-Source + PHP or JS


Viewed 259 times


Hello, I am a new student in this area and would like to know how I copy the view-source code into a textarea, it is only a question for studies and in the future I intend to make a security system about ...

Example: I have the link and when you press Ctrl+u opens the link what I want is to take this code the way this, because sometimes it comes with information from the database or even the cookie, i need to pick up the code and put in a textarea of a host.

I managed to use Curl and he even does what I want, but it doesn’t show some information that the view-source would show as something in the cookie...

  • 1

    The URL shows you everything about the request and response, in relation to cookies this will be in the headers: Shows much more than the source view. You can even hack less secure systems with Curl, If you do curl -v you see the headers and all the cookies, plus the body of the answer

  • i know,but I need the information on a php page within a textarea

  • then you have to parse the html, if it is static you have a good example here, if you are going to use php

  • what I want and really take everything oq this in the view-source and pass to a textarea on a different site, example taken from and put in the textarea of a host my ;) type displaying the code in a textarea, I tested with a site a little while ago and until q run the method q did,but where there was supposed to be information that not six and is database or cookie, did not appear walk, but in view-source appears

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