Get only given last month using R


Viewed 242 times


I need to extract the last monthly values from dataframe column 2 ntnb45. Is there any direct way to do this in R?

ntnb <-'NTN-B')
ntnb45 <- read.TD.files(dl.folder = 'TD Files',maturity = '150545')

2 answers


I don’t know if there’s a function that does this directly, but I was able to build an algorithm that apparently solved the problem.

First of all, I separated the column, which has the dates in "yyyy-mm-dd" format, in three other columns. One column corresponds to the year, one column to the month and another to the day. I called this result datas:

datas <- strsplit(as.character(ntnb45$, split="-")
datas <- matrix(as.numeric(unlist(datas)), ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)

I am displaying the code in two lines to be didactic. It is perfectly possible to run this command in one line.

With the data frame datas built, it is enough to try a fact that occurs when the month ends. Whenever the month changes, the day "Zera". It does not go back to zero literally, but the value of the first working day of a month is a numerical value lower than the last working day of the previous month. Thus, it is enough to find the places where, in the next position, the days were with numerical value lower than the current position. This can be achieved by a first difference:

index <- which(diff(datas[, 3]) < 0)

What this command does is calculate the differences of type x[n+1]-x[n]. If n is the numerical value of the day of the month, this value will always be 1, except when the month changes. That is, the vector index has all the positions in which the current month has changed. Now just select my correspondents in the original date frame:

ntnb45.ultimo <- ntnb45[index, ]
head(ntnb45.ultimo)   asset.code
190 2004-09-30    0.0906   1022.04 NTN-B 150545 2045-05-15
210 2004-10-29    0.0905   1033.15 NTN-B 150545 2045-05-15
230 2004-11-30    0.0905   1002.60 NTN-B 150545 2045-05-15
253 2004-12-31    0.0905   1018.52 NTN-B 150545 2045-05-15
22  2005-01-31    0.0903   1035.64 NTN-B 150545 2045-05-15
40  2005-02-28    0.0905   1045.57 NTN-B 150545 2045-05-15

To get the values in column 2 only of the last days of the month, just rotate

ntnb45.ultimo[, 2]


A quick and simple solution with the dplyr:

ultimos <- ntnb45 %>% group_by(anomes = format(, "%Y%m")) %>% filter( == max(

Source: local data frame [151 x 6]
Groups: anomes [151]   asset.code anomes
       <date>     <dbl>     <dbl>        <chr>     <date>  <chr>
1  2004-09-30    0.0906   1022.04 NTN-B 150545 2045-05-15 200409
2  2004-10-29    0.0905   1033.15 NTN-B 150545 2045-05-15 200410
3  2004-11-30    0.0905   1002.60 NTN-B 150545 2045-05-15 200411
4  2004-12-31    0.0905   1018.52 NTN-B 150545 2045-05-15 200412
5  2005-01-31    0.0903   1035.64 NTN-B 150545 2045-05-15 200501
6  2005-02-28    0.0905   1045.57 NTN-B 150545 2045-05-15 200502
7  2005-03-31    0.0905   1059.98 NTN-B 150545 2045-05-15 200503
8  2005-04-29    0.0904   1076.44 NTN-B 150545 2045-05-15 200504
9  2005-05-31    0.0910   1039.66 NTN-B 150545 2045-05-15 200505
10 2005-06-30    0.0910   1049.90 NTN-B 150545 2045-05-15 200506
# ... with 141 more rows

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