How to reduce space between Bullet and text in a centralized <ul>?


Viewed 541 times


I have a centralized list.

<ul style="text-align: center; list-style-position: inside;">

The point is that Bullet is very far from the text. I would like it to be very close. I have tried padding and margin in the style of ul and of li. But none worked.

  • try this: <li><span>abc</span><li> and in css do ul li { position:relative; left:-5px; }

  • Hello, thank you for the answer. Have you tested this solution? For me it didn’t work. Or I’m doing it wrong. <ul style="text-align: center; list-style-position: Inside;"> <li style="position:relative; left:-5px;"><span>abc</span></li> </ul>

  • do not apply styles within tag li or ul, tag them style or in an archive css.

2 answers


Another solution would be to wrap the contents of the Lis in a tag and position it to the left.

li span { position: relative; left: -30px; }
<ul style="text-align: center; list-style-position: inside;">

  • worked! Thank you very much. I voted a +1 for you but as I am new user, my vote is not visible was the response I received from the system.

  • now I noticed that have variation of browser for browser. Putting -5px in firefox is good, but Chrome is super distant.


I’m afraid the only solution is for you to do it manually:

    ul {
    list-style-type: none; /*Remove o bullet*/

li {
background-position: 0px 50%;
    background-image: url(bullet.jpg); /*adiciona uma imagem*/
    background-repeat: no-repeat;

    padding-left: 7px;

See if this works.


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