Enable Firebird PDO support for PHP


Viewed 364 times


I cannot install Firebird PDO support in PHP. My machine is running Mac Os Sierra. I have already researched on Pmorts and Pmmebrew and they do not offer support. Some old posts do not explain in detail how to solve this problem. Could someone help me?

  • What version of your php? Have you tried searching in PECL?

  • Yes, I searched and found, but I don’t know how to use the compressed file provided, would you have any material to direct me in the installation? https://pecl.php.net/PDO_FIREBIRD

  • MAMP pre-compiled? Or did you compile everything by hand? If you compiled it, you can also compile the PDO extension for Firebird. Strangely I was sure this came "ready" in the pre-compiled.

1 answer


The solution I found was to create an environment closer to reality, that is, I created a linux server and installed everything I needed.

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