Client Encryption / Server / File / Obfuscator


Viewed 133 times



I’m creating a Java game using Libgdx, but I want to know some things.

  • What is the best encryption for communication between Client / Server (for no one to intercept the package I send)

  • What is the best encryption for Files (so no one extract the game templates, textures etc)

  • A very difficult question to resolve: What is the best obfuscator? (well, if I put private.key in my game, the hacker can extract it, and the source code too) (there is something that protects 100% the code + the files?)

  • What is the best program that passes a . jar file to . exe?

  • Related: "How to protect source code?" I don’t have much to say about obfuscating and protecting files available to the user, in addition to what I’ve already written in the linked question, but as for communication I suggest simply using a TLS/SSL channel (e.g., https instead of http, wss instead of Ws, etc). The overhead per package is usually small, indeed as small as possible to guarantee confidentiality, integrity and authenticity (because it is not enough to ensure that no one will read your packages, you also need to prevent someone changing them).

1 answer


  • Denis, ?

  • I haven’t used it for a while, but this link is a good reference:

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