String equivalent using variables - Python 3.x


Viewed 56 times


What would be the string equivalent :

values = """
   "exchange_code": "PLNX",
   "exchange_market": "BTC/USDT"

Which the result is :

'\n { n "exchange_code": "PLNX", n "exchange_market": "BTC/USDT" n } n'

entering "PLNX" and "BTC/USDT" as variables, I’m trying some variations like the below but I can’t replicate the above result :

def equi_string(exchange,market):
  values = """
     "exchange_code": """+exchange+""",
     "exchange_market": """+market+"""
  return values

'\n { n "exchange_code": PLNX, n "exchange_market": BTC/USDT n } n '

This for example is missing "" in PLNX and BTC/USDT

How do I make the string return exactly the first example ?

  • Try using json. Probably a string in json format

1 answer


If you just want to create the string in this format, try using the " character to escape the quotes:

def equi_string(exchange,market):
  values = """
     "exchange_code": \""""+exchange+"""\",
     "exchange_market": \""""+market+"""\"
  return values

Another option is to use the format, you just need to escape the keys "{" and "}":

def equi_string(exchange,market):
   values = """
      "exchange_code": "{}",
      "exchange_market": "{}"
   return values.format(exchange,market)

But if you need to create more objects in this same format more complex than this, I recommend using JSON.

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