Query SQL Moodle


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I have a problem, and I do not have much knowledge in SQL to mount a Query of this, that returns exactly this, I am working with Moodle, and I need to return with a query, as following information.

Student Name | Course | Evaluation 1 | Evaluation 2 | Evaluation n | Final grade

The tables are mdl_course (Stores all the courses), mdl_role_assignments (List of students enrolled in courses), mdl_grade_items (Extract the list of evaluations), mdl_grade_grids (Extract the note list from all reviews). basically these are, I found a link that would help


However, it is for a specific course, I want for all courses I have in my table

Remembering that each one is on a different table, someone who works with Moodle, would know to tell me?

  • Where’s the scam? You don’t have it in the Moodle documentation?

  • It was good to be more complete in the question, inform the keys of each table, the names of the tables that each field meets for better understanding.

  • Tables are mdl_course (Stores all courses), mdl_role_assignments (Lists students enrolled in courses), mdl_grade_items (Extracts the list of evaluations), mdl_grade_grades (Extract the list of grades from all reviews). basically are these, I found a link that would help https://moodlesql.blogspot.com.br/2011/01/reportario-completo-de-nota-de-um-curso.html?showComment=1490279643106#c5971733205604944253 However, is for a specific course, i want for all courses I own in my table

  • This should not be in the comments, but in the question. If you can edit and detail better.

  • I edited it, thank you

2 answers



I have no knowledge in Moodle, but I put together something on top of what you went through and the examples in Moodle, you have to see the table keys to mount SQL.

FROM mdl_role_assignmets rs
INNER JOIN mdl_course c on c.id da tabela = rs.id da tabela dos alunos
INNER JOIN mdl_grade_items gi on gi.id da tabela = c.id da tabela cursos
INNER JOIN mdl_grade_grades ggrades on ggrades.id da tabela = gi.id da tabela avaliacoes
  • @Rafael Augusto, if the answer helped you, could brand it, so it would help other users. Hugs!

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