(ASP NET MVC4 or 5) How to pass a custom name to Xmlhttprequest?


Viewed 159 times


Guys the question is this, I have a <input type="file" id="fileupload"/> and a field <input type="text id="Nome"/>. To pass it to my controller, I do the following:

var data = $("#fileupload").get(0).files[0];
var formdata = new FormData();
formdata.append("Files", data);
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open("POST", "/Home/UploadFiles", true);

so far so good, the problem is that I wanted, along with the file, to pass the name inputado by the user in the element "Name". There on the other side I would save you with the new name (keeping the extension) somewhere. I tried everything and I couldn’t get the name... How can I do?

Thanks in advance!

Note: Gypsy Morrison, my controller is this:

public ContentResult UploadFiles()
    //Pego o arquivo
    HttpPostedFileBase hpf = Request.Files[0] as HttpPostedFileBase;

    //Pego a extensao dele para selecionar o tipo
    string extensao = hpf.FileName.Substring(hpf.FileName.Length - 4).ToLower();

    //Seleciono o tipo de arquivo e retorno se não for o que eu quero
    if (!(extensao == ".jpg" || extensao == ".gif" || extensao == ".png" || extensao == ".pdf"))
        return Content("{\"success\":\"" + false + "\",\"message\":\"" + "Estensão não permitida!" + "" + "\"}", "application/json");

    //Configuro o nome do arquivo para salvá-lo (nessa parte eu realmente queria o nome passado pelo usuário)
    string fileName = hpf.FileName.Replace(" ","").Replace(".","").Replace("'","").ToUpper() + "-" + String.Format("{0:yyyyMMddhhmmss}", DateTime.Now) + extensao;

    //Salvo o arquivo
    string savedFileName = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Empresa"), fileName);
    return Content("{\"success\":\"" + true + "\",\"message\":\"" + "Upload finalizado com sucesso!" + "" + "\"}", "application/json");

  • You can put the method of your Controller that receives this request?

1 answer


Add to FormData:

var formdata = new FormData();
formdata.append("Files", data);
formdata.append("Nome", $("#Nome").val());

And to the Controller:

public ContentResult UploadFiles(String Nome)
{ ... }

I’m guessing you have at least in the project.

  • 1

    It worked!!! Thank you very much !

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