Check if dynamic named file exists on disk


Viewed 27 times


My program generates an XML file named after the following structure:


At the moment, I’m every time I file and he has the nrDeElementosNoXML other than nrDeElementosNoXML from the existing file, create me another file. Can I use any method to delete the file that is already there before creating a new one? Something like this:

  • Before inserting a new one, you want to delete all existing ones that start with "Namean_date_name_"?

  • exactly, I wanted to see if anyone knows a simple technique, because I have some ideas on how to do it, but I’m pretty sure they’re not the best

1 answer


Perform the elimination with the help of foreach using the filter desired in GetFiles:

System.IO.DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(@"C:/caminhoDosFicheiro");

foreach (FileInfo file in di.GetFiles("NOMEQUENAOMUDA_data_*.xml"))

There are other ways too, you can check on this link (Soen).

  • It worked 5*. In my case I had to use this logic to get the right files: di.GetFiles(_key + "_" + globalDateToDownload.Date.ToString("yyy_MM_dd") + "_*.xml")

  • 1

    Try to use interpolation, it is more readable and even, much simpler to write. It would look like this your line: di.GetFiles($"{_key}_{globalDateToDownload.Date.ToString("yyy_MM_dd")}_*.xml")

  • I didn’t know this technique, it’s much better this way! vlw

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