Compare Year and Count Registered in Bank


Viewed 23 times


I wanted to count registered clients in my bank, born in the year 1930 until the current year (2017). In my bank I have registered as date, date of birth ex: 2000-10-01

So I wanted to make one for comparing the year 1930 with the date from the bank and I don’t know how.

From what I’ve researched it would be something like this:

for (Date dt = dt1; dt.compareTo(dt2) <= 0;) {

//aqui fazer a logica de contagem...


Would you have any suggestions?

  • It is not easier to do this in the database query not? If the data field comes from there, there is no reason to demand this for the logic of the program.

  • @diegofm do not know honestly. I am researching about this.

  • How do you retrieve this bank date? Is it a Date field? Which bank is using?

  • @diegofm sim é Date... no banco está assim: 2000-01-01 (example). The database I am using is Postgresql.

  • You can try filtering directly in the database with a query like: SELECT columns FROM table WHERE dateColumn >= '1930-01-01'

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