Flexbox, can I use without fear in 2017?


Viewed 382 times


Gentlemen, I found a page with a system of grids like bootstrap, more in flexbox, does anyone here use flexbox currently in their projects? is working? or still need many prefixes? Flexbox grid

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There’s nothing you can use without fear, not in 2017, never, especially when it comes to CSS :) Even something seemingly innocent like property opacity can cause unexpected effects depending on how and where it is used (worse: in this case it is not even a compatibility problem between browsers, it is part of the CSS specification itself).

Your question is getting closing votes because no one will be able to answer "yes" or "no" for it. Who will have to decide if and when to use flexbox is yourself, and you will only be able to make the decision based on data. The first thing is to look at the link from kennel that Felipe Torres quoted in his answer. It is the most practical reference to consult about CSS compatibility.

The data there shows that today the support is pretty decent, if you are willing to let things break in IE 11 - which has a "lot of bugs" according to the caniuse. But of course in the real world things are not so green when they appear in the tables of the caniuse, as you can see in this list of flexbox incompatibilities, which seems to be being kept up to date and cites several versions of various browsers.

My advice is: if you’re "afraid" of wearing something, don’t use it. Try to find out how it works, and look for concrete data as the caniuse (but not only there). The more information you have, the less "fear" you will have, and it will be possible to make a thoughtful, fact-based decision.


Yeah, it’s working out.

If your question is regarding the acceptance of Flexbox on platforms, a very cool tool is Caniuse.

You see exactly which platforms and versions accept what you are looking for:


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