Do not allow insertion of a date after another date already inserted


Viewed 1,001 times


I have an HTML form in which I give the user the possibility to enter a start date and an end date and, of course, I do not want the end date to be earlier than the start date.

The inputs for the dates are of type "datetime-local". My goal would be, after the insertion of Start Date, fields with days prior to the day inserted in Start Date appear as "blocked" or so.


<div class="form-group">
  <label for="date-form1">Data/Hora Inicio</label>
  <input class="form-control" type="datetime-local" name="date-beginning" id="date-form1">

<!-- Data Fim -->
<div class="form-group">
  <label for="date-form2">Data/Hora Fim</label>
  <input class="form-control" type="datetime-local" name="date-end" id="date-form2">

  • Do you use a JS library to manipulate dates? Like momentjs and the like.

  • No, I am not using a @jbueno library

  • 1

    Oi Vitor, inputs of the kind datetime-local have an attribute called min. You can do Binding of this attribute in date-end with the value of date-beginning. Are you using a Javascript library? Angular or something like that?

1 answer


Just create an object of the type Date and normally compare whether the first date is greater than the second.

A hint is to check if the end date is valid when trying to exit the second input and, if it is not, show some message and return the focus to the second input.

Note that the idea of turning the focus to input if the input is invalid seems interesting at first, but will block the user from trying to modify the first date without first entering a valid interval. That is, if the first one has been typed wrong, the user will need to put a valid end date to later be able to edit the start date.

It is also possible to set the attribute min of the second input equal (or greater) to the date of the first one once it is clicked out of the first input. I’m not going to do this example in code because I don’t know if it would fit the question the way it is and I don’t even know if it matters to you.

$('#date-form2').on('focusout', function(){  
  var dateObj1 = new Date($('#date-form1').val());
  var dateObj2 = new Date($('#date-form2').val());
  if(dateObj1.getTime() > dateObj2.getTime()){
    $(this).css({color: 'red'});
    // mostre alguma mensagem
    $(this).focus(); // Volta o foco para o segundo input
<script src=""></script>
<div class="form-group">
  <label for="date-form1">Data/Hora Inicio</label>
  <input class="form-control" type="datetime-local" name="date-beginning" id="date-form1">

<!-- Data Fim -->
<div class="form-group">
  <label for="date-form2">Data/Hora Fim</label>
  <input class="form-control" type="datetime-local" name="date-end" id="date-form2">

  • Thanks for the help @jbueno! But why did you put that line with the tag "<script>" before the html code? And this method where you compare dates doesn’t have to be called anywhere in html?

  • @Vítorsá That’s just a reference for jQuery. I made it with jQuery to make it easier to read.

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