Heritage - Database Database?


Viewed 646 times


I started to implement a bank, and I’m doubtful about the following:

I have 4 tables

  • Person
  • Client
  • Functionary
  • Administrator.

Cliente and Funcionario inherit from Pessoa and Administrador inherits from Funcionario

What I did was this.

Person contains the data: nome,emai,cpf, etc., and Funcionario and Administrador only tell the PK, done so, I need to include Agendamento, and I need all these tables to consult Agendamento.

How to proceed?

  • Can’t you have registered companies? Can’t the employee also be a customer? Inheritance is not usually a good idea, especially in a database. I have just answered on this: http://answall.com/q/191832/101. See an alternative: http://answall.com/q/14839/101 and http://answall.com/a/123499/101 and http://pt.stackoverflowcom/q/54177/101 and http:///pt.stackoverflowcom/q/80948/101 and finally http://en.stackoverflow.com/q/83702/101

  • maybe, I can make a profile table, where I would have the client, employee and administrator, separated by id and a user table, which would have relationship with this profile table, I think that solves my problem, and I don’t get duplicate attributes, thank you very much @bigown.

  • What would be the purpose of this relationship ?

  • Only identify who is who in the bank, and in the application give your proper 'dashboard' for each profile.

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