Blogger can’t read data:post.body and data:post.url


Viewed 274 times


I have social sharing buttons on my blog that work normally through the expr:href="data:post.url/data:post.title" parameter that takes, respectively, the address and title of the post in question. However, I am modifying this sharing system, creating a sidebar, initially hidden (similar to the Windows 8 Harms bar) that will have the social buttons. At the end of the post, I have a visible button that when clicked calls the sidebar and exposes the share buttons.

The problem is that these buttons cannot capture the URL and title of the post through the date:post.url and the date:post.title. I didn’t change anything at the core of them, and I’ve tested those same buttons without hiding them and checked that they work normally, which made me conclude that they just don’t capture the URL and title when hidden. If they already started visible, the capture is done normally. How to proceed in this case? (detail: I hid the bar in question by setting opacity:0 in the CSS and making it visible through a button that changes the opacity to 1 and leaves it active on the screen. I didn’t use the:None display).

I thank you all for your attention. God bless! =]

O front-end está praticamente pronto. Só preciso fazer com que os links funcionem!

  • this behavior is super sinister and for no reason should be happening. Are you sure that they are inside the loop of publications?

  • @Chun Yes, it’s very strange! As for being inside the publishing loop, what does being in the template necessarily mean? Until then, I had not heard of this context. You can give me more details, please, man?

  • If that code is inside a <b:loop values='data:posts' var='post'> or within the blog widget <b:widget id='Blog1' type='Blog'> He needs to be inside the loop of posts to make fetch data correctly expr:href="data:post.url/data:post.title". Otherwise it will determine this link as empty, Undefined.

  • Great, man! I didn’t know that detail. I’ll check it out and come back here to mark your answer, because, in fact, I believe that’s the problem. ;)

  • 1

    That’s exactly what it was, Chum. Your answer still helped me understand another problem that does not show a certain marker, but this one still needs to solve. Thank you, my dear! God bless you! = ] Result:

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