How to put line break in the textview straight from xml?


Viewed 5,999 times


inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

wanted to put this text more organized without creating several textview , and I had the idea of using line break .

2 answers


Use the escape character \n:

  • there is some example when the text is dynamic to break the line?


You can add HTML tags to your text strings.html

follows an example:

html strings.

 <string name="minha_receita_1"> <![CDATA[ <ul> <li>1 caneca ou bule</li> <li>1 garrafa térmica</li> <li>1 colher (sopa)</li> <li> 1 coador de café</li> </ul> ]]> </string>

The content html should be among <![CDATA[ ]]>

In java do the following:

     TextView textHtml = TextView.class.cast(convertView.findViewById(;
    final Spanned textoEmHtml = Html.fromHtml( getContext().getString(R.string.minha_receita_1));

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