While running my application I am encountering the following error when loading the data through the Entity Framework
When it is executed I observe that the following is called connection string:
In it I note that a different user and password is being loaded than what I inform on Web.config
(which are the ones that effectively work for connection to the bank).
Below the correct connection:
data source=desenv-srvsql\sqlclust01;initial catalog=dbBANPARA_SGDTV;user id=ntconsult;password=12345;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;App=EntityFramework""providerName="System.Data.EntityClient"
I have already reviewed all my classes and I have not found where the information passed in the first image is being taken. I would like help on the issue and if possible manage to pass the correct information to the application.
I’ve looked at the web.config and it’s all right. Where would this context creation class be?
– Rodney Victor
@Rodneyvictor look for a class he inherits from Dbcontext. I don’t know how your application is configured, but you may not have created a context class. Good luck.
– regisls