I would like to know how to put buttons more "attractive" (edit your aesthetic) in the app and also how to add fonts?
I would like to know how to put buttons more "attractive" (edit your aesthetic) in the app and also how to add fonts?
To modify the source of a Textview for example: you must first add it to your project in android studio, as follows...
1º => Create the Assets folder in app/src/main/Assets... If you have difficulty locating, change the view of your project:
2º => copy the source (.otf or .ttf) you want to that Assets folder you created.
3º => in your Activity code state the source as follows (in the example I used the source orange_juice):
Typeface font = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(), "orange_juice.ttf");
(if your source is . otf, then put . otf)
For the source to be effected in a Checkbox or Textview just do the following:
Typeface font = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(), "orange_juice.ttf");
CheckBox checkBox = (CheckBox)findViewById(R.id.checkBox);
TextView textView = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.textView);
(remember to first add them to the layout)
To change the appearance of a button (if that’s what I understand), just do the following:
1º => add the image you want to the Drawables folder.
2º => in the button properties, select the background tab:
3º => select the desired image (in my case Lamp):
Ready! If you have anything else, comment.
Oh yes I understand, is there a site that I find these fonts available for download? Thank you from now buddy
https://fontzone.net/ if nn me mistakenly tbm was lah where I downloaded the source of the example of the SP
REMEMBERING THAT NOT ALL ARE FREE FOR COMMERCIAL USE if you want to use them in your app you may have to buy them
It’s good , man thanks even saw helped me a lot
It did not work , the error application when opening , my code is like this
so how? put an Edit in your question
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is quite ample, but from what I understand you want to know how to modify the appearance of a button and change the source of textViews/checkboxes... correct?
– Boneco Sinforoso