Connect VB6 to Msaccess


Viewed 154 times


I created a Msaccess Database and created a connection module. However, when the executable gives connection error. Someone has another example of how to connect VB6 to Msacess?

The code to my module:

Option Compare Database

Option Explicit
Public T As Connection
Public c As Recordset

Private Sub conexao()
    Set T = creatobject("adodb.connection")
    Set c = creatobject("adodb.recordset")
    T.OpenRecordset " provider = microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;datasource = " + app.Path & "\alex.mdb"
End Sub

Private Sub desconexao()
    Set T = Nothing
    Set c = Nothing
End Sub
  • Hello. Try to print datasource = " + app.Path & "\alex.mdb" in a MsgBox and check the path is correct. The database has password?

  • has already done but continues to give error, the database has no password.

1 answer


Your connection function should be:

Private Sub conexao()
    Set T = creatobject("adodb.connection")
    Set c = creatobject("adodb.recordset")
    connString = microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;datasource = " + app.Path & "\alex.mdb"
    T.Open connString // Abre a ligação para a base de dados
End Sub

Only after opening connection with the T.Open is that it will be able to perform operations in the BD.

  • So it worked out thanks to the tip,but I have a little problem which is code to select a field in the listbox and select if all fields?

  • @user7752 This doubt is not connected with the current question. I would suggest that you open a new question for your question. Do not forget to accept the answers that helped you in order to help future people with questions (see Help Center page

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