Setting Focus() in Usercontrol Textbox


Viewed 341 times


I have the following Usercontrol :

public partial class SliderChrome : UserControl
    private int _min;

    public int Min
        get { return _min; }
            txtmin.Text = _min.ToString();

I use this Usercontrol in the Form as follows:

public partial class MacroForm : Form
    private void ValorMinEMaxParametros(bool isEnglish, int Min, int Max)
        DialogResult dialogResult;
        if (isEnglish)
            dialogResult = MessageBox.Show("Do you...", "Max ...", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
            dialogResult = MessageBox.Show("Deseja...", "Max ...", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);

        if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes)
            sliderChrome1.Min = Min;
            sliderChrome1.Max = Max;                
        else if (dialogResult == DialogResult.No)
            sliderChrome1.Min = 0;
            sliderChrome1.Max = 1;
            sliderChrome1.txtMin.Focus(); //Erro

I would like to set Focus in Textbox txtmin Usercontrol. How do I ?

  • Instead of sliderChrome1.txtMin.Focus();, if you do sliderChrome1.txtMin.Select(); also doesn’t work?

3 answers


Within the class MacroForm, you can add the event Form.Activated and call the method Focus() of control:

private void MacroForm_Activated(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

Another option that might work is to change the TabIndex textbox txtMin. This property defines the order that the controls will receive the focus, from the smallest to the largest.


I had to do it this way:

I created the method setFocus() in my UserControl which arrow the Focus on the desired component.

public partial class SliderChrome : UserControl
    private int _min;

    public int Min
        get { return _min; }
            txtmin.Text = _min.ToString();

    public void setFocus()

And in Form Seto the Focus through the method setFocus()

public partial class MacroForm : Form
    private void ValorMinEMaxParametros(bool isEnglish, int Min, int Max)
        DialogResult dialogResult;
        if (isEnglish)
            dialogResult = MessageBox.Show("Do you...", "Max ...", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
            dialogResult = MessageBox.Show("Deseja...", "Max ...", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);

        if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes)
            sliderChrome1.Min = Min;
            sliderChrome1.Max = Max;                
        else if (dialogResult == DialogResult.No)
            sliderChrome1.Min = 0;
            sliderChrome1.Max = 1;
            sliderChrome1.setFocus(); //Setando o focus atráves do método
  • Look at my comment on the question, please


Be that as it may, what do you really intend to do? If that is what I intended, then try to do so :

  • 3

    Use the comment option when you don’t want to write a reply!

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