PHP error: "Can’t use Function Return value in write context"


Viewed 342 times


This error is coming to me and I’m not getting why. The line of code is as follows:: $matrix(0, $key)=$quantidade['id_product'];

The complete function is as follows:

public function sumQuantidadesPorProduto() {

        $quantidades = $this->getAllQuantidadesLocais();

        $sum = 0;
        $matrix = array();
        foreach ($quantidades as $key => $quantidade) {
            $matrix(0, $key) = $quantidade['id_product'];
            $matrix(1, $key) = $sum;

        return $matrix;

1 answer


You’re making a syntax error.

To access arrays you must use [ and not (.

Change your code to look like this:

public function sumQuantidadesPorProduto() {

    $quantidades = $this->getAllQuantidadesLocais();

    $sum = 0;
    $matrix = array();
    foreach ($quantidades as $key => $quantidade) {
        $matrix[0][$key] = $quantidade['id_product'];
        $matrix[1][$key] = $sum;

    return $matrix;
  • I can’t believe I didn’t even notice it, and the problem is I had it earlier ahah Many hours already programming... thank you, hug!

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