How to make responsive texts?


Viewed 32 times


I know that for normal elements, we can use the percentage, so that they are proportional to the screen resolutions. But what about the texts? What is the relative unit of measure, so that it is "larger or smaller" according to the display screen?

  • I think, just like a good part, if not the vast majority of the elements, we need to use the media queries to control that...

  • you can use the em, which, respect the resolution that the user himself puts on his device

  • 1

    Two important things I learned with responsive design, 1 - don’t zoom in on the site, don’t leave it without scale. 2- you can not set the text size for the user, there are people with myopia, and also users who prefer the lowercase letters, so let your user decide

  • 3

    Duplicate this question, this answer or this one answer should help you.

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