Insert to the C#Dynamic Database?


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I’m making a insert and use a model with the Getters and Setters, when I do the insert in the values I receive to model as a parameter and use as follows

sql = "INSERT INTO " + Table + "(" + campos + ") VALUES ('"+valores.nome+ "','" + + "', " + valores.cpf + ", " + + ");";

There’s a way I could pass the Dynamic Values by taking him from model ?

  • From what I understand, the values are already being passed dynamically, through the properties of the object "values".

  • Your question has become meaningless ?

1 answer


i do not use model, but use System.Reflection.Propertyinfo to list the properties of an object and mount my syntaxes.

 foreach (System.Reflection.PropertyInfo pr in obj.GetType().GetProperties())
     if (pr.CanRead)
        object valor = pr.GetValue(obj, null);

then you just have a list of fields and the relation between the columns to apply each value correctly to your place

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