error while trying to upload application using Wildfly


Viewed 146 times


I am learning EJB, and I received a project that uses EJB, only that I decided to use Wildfly. when I upload application presents an error.

     service org.wildfly.request-controller.control-point."livraria.war".undertow (missing) dependents: [service jboss.undertow.deployment.default-server.default-host./livraria.UndertowDeploymentInfoService] 
WFLYCTL0186:   Services which failed to start:      service org.jboss.msc.service.StartException in service Address already in use: bind localhost/

20:15:21,623 INFO  [] (DeploymentScanner-threads - 1) WFLYDS0004: Found livraria.war in deployment direc

When trying to add my server I am with that warning, what I do from there I am with that error. inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Address already in use: bind localhost/ Checks if there is no wildfly process running or if the port is in use by another application

  • um.... what would you suggest so you can solve this problem.

  • restarts the computer, if persist checks if there is any other application using port 9990

  • when running, it was the same. I see that when I put localhost:8080 opens the wildfly page

  • The 9990 port of wildfly is for administration. You need to check if there is another application that is using the port.

  • I put a print there, I even deleted my container that was the Tomcat and put only this Wildfly more nothing.

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