Error pushing origin master on github


Viewed 36,730 times


I have the following error in github when I’m going to push.

Please make sure you have the correct access Rights and the Repository exists.

I created the repository and as I was already with the project created, I did:

git remote add [email protected]:andredsn/ArquiteturaSoftware.git
git config --global "andredsn"
git config --global "[email protected]"  
git add .  
git commit -m "primeiro commit"
git push origin master  

This last line gives the error. Probably not finding the repository.

Like the line:

git remote add [email protected]:andredsn/ArquiteturaSoftware.git >

add the remote via ssh, then deleted with:

git remote rm origim master  

I typed: Gite remote -v and there is no repository, so I think I removed it. But the error appears when I add the remote via https:

git remote add  

make a mistake:

 C:\projetos\ArquiteturaSoftware>git remote add
usage: git remote add [<options>] <name> <url>

    -f, --fetch           fetch the remote branches
    --tags                import all tags and associated objects when fetching
                          or do not fetch any tag at all (--no-tags)
    -t, --track <branch>  branch(es) to track
    -m, --master <branch>
                          master branch
                          set up remote as a mirror to push to or fetch from 

I wanted a command to show if I’m connected with github since we use the git config --global and git config --global for our identification.

  • 1

    Did you import your SSH key into Github?

  • Have you tried this only with SSH? Try with HTTPS.

  • @Ricardo Moraleida I’m not using ssh and I’ve used it a few times before just by the terminal. I find ssh very laborious for those who use the terminal.

  • @Ack Lay I’m using as https myself.

  • You are doing this locally on your machine or some server?

  • @Ack Lay I’m doing in my local machine.

  • recommend using gitkraken makes it much easier to solve errors

  • Run the git remote -v command to see if I’m connected to github, so you’ll know your fetch and push origin. Remember that you need to be inside the folder that contains your . git

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3 answers


You used the SSH URL ([email protected]...) to add the remote, so it looks for your key.

The HTTPS URL has this format:

then do:

$ git remote add

and it will ask for username and password.

(do not forget to remove remote SSH first)


If you want to perform this procedure using HTTPS, follow the steps below:

  1. $ git init : Do this already inside the desired directory

  2. $ git remote add -f origin

  3. $ git add .

  4. $ git commit -m "First commit - send project"

  5. $ git push origin master

See more details in the article on Working with Remote

EDIT: The error that is appearing there after editing your question is that you are not following GIT syntax correctly. Here’s how the basics should be:

$ git remote add [<opões>] <nome> <url>

In your case it would be step 2 as mentioned above. See:

$ git remote add -f origin

  • I erased the project, created another, your entire sequence in your response worked, except for step five. Gives error: > To ! [Rejected] master -> master (non-fast-forward) error: failed to push some refs to ' are.git' hint: Updates Were Rejected because the tip of your Current branch is Behind hint: its remote Counterpart. Integrate the remote changes (e.g. hint: 'git pull ...') before pushing Again. hint: See the 'Note about fast-forwards' in 'git push --help' for Details. >

  • @Andrénascimento which error gives?!

  • When you type: git remote -v shows: > origin (push) > erre push between parentheses can indicate the possible error?

  • does not have this command git remote -v no Quito passo. E (push) do not want to indicate any error. I think your case has already been solved right?! Abs. Good luck. Good luck.

  • 1

    Almost solved. But thanks for the help, part of the way has already been covered.


solved in this way:

git remote add origin bla ...
git branch -M main
git push -u origin main

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