Oracle reference the type of a column equal to the type of another column


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I’m trying to create a table to return in a function. For this, I am trying to create a object type thus:

create or replace type relatorio as object (

But it is returning the error:

PSL-00201: TABLE_NAME.COLUMN identifier must be declared

My question is, am I using the %TYPE appropriately?

  • And what is being put in table_name.column?

  • I don’t understand your question Reginaldo?

  • How is the command that is going to the bank?

  • In fact I have never seen this command for the creation of tables, nor do I know if it is possible. It is used in TRIGGERS or PROCEDURES for you to create variables. You create the 'plant' variable with the same type and size of the seat column.

  • This msm Reginaldo, I’m trying to make a function to return a table, only that the table does not exist in the database, so I would have to create a new table. Searching the internet find this example link

  • See the answer below and you should understand how to use.

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2 answers


A solution follows below. To simplify I considered that its report function would return a table with the fields name and amount.

Solution link running on SQL Feedle:! 4/4c06c/1/0

1) Create a type Object which contains a representation of the columns of the table to be returned by its function.

    create or replace type t_linhas as object (
      nome varchar2(30),
      quantidade number

2) Create a type table. Note below that the table is formed by type line which has just been created.

    create or replace type t_tabela_relatorio as table of t_linhas;

3) Create function by returning type t_tabulat_report that was created in the beginning

    create or replace function fc_relatorio return t_tabela_relatorio as
      v_ret   t_tabela_relatorio;

      cursor c_consulta_base_relatorio is
      select 'Joao' as nome_cliente, 10 as qtd from dual union
      select 'Pedro' as nome_cilente, 20 as qtd from dual union
      select 'Isabel' as nome_ciente, 15 as qtd from dual;

      v_ret  := t_tabela_relatorio();          

      for x in c_consulta_base_relatorio loop    
        v_ret(v_ret.count) := t_linhas(x.nome_cliente,x.qtd);
      end loop;
      return v_ret;
    end fc_relatorio;

3) Example of how to call the function:





In Procedure or Trigger you would do this:

    v_texto TESTE.CAMPO_T%TYPE;

Even if you change the size of the field in the table your trial is still valid.

Could be used to create a variable based on another already stated.

 v1 VARCHAR2(13) := 'bla bla bla';
 v2 v1%TYPE := UPPER(v1);
 v3 v1%TYPE := LOWER(v2);     
  • I understood, but how would it be to return this table in a function(FUNCTION)?

  • How is that? I don’t understand what you want to do, where would you call this function and what it would return.

  • If the table does not exist there is no way you can refer to its fields. When you say v_text TEST.CAMPO_T%TYPE; You mean that the v_text variable is the same type and size as the CAMPO_T of the TEST table

  • I’ll try to explain myself better. I am doing a function in my database to search for data in a table and sort in an appropriate way, then I return this data in the appropriate format. Therefore I need a "temporary" table to put the query data in the original table and return this "temporary" table to the application with the data in the correct format. I am doing this to simplify the code in the application.

  • You could do something like this: CREATE TABLE TEMPORARIA AS SELECT COL1, COL2 FROM TABLE

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