I have a form with a component Kendo UI Multiselect for ASP.NET MVC / Razor:
@(Html.Kendo().MultiSelectFor(m => m.Ids)
.Placeholder("Please fill")
ds => ds.Read(
r => r.Action("FillMultiSelect", "ReportsController", new { companyId = IdentityManager.CompanyID, search = string.Empty })
Javascript for filter configuration:
var $ids = $("#Ids").data("kendoMultiSelect");
$ids.dataSource.transport.options.read.data = basicFilter($ids);
var basicFilter = function ($element) {
return {
companyId: self.form.getModel().CompanyId,
search: $element.input.val()
When I type the search text in the "Ids" field, the parameter passed to Action
of MVC is the value of placeholder field, not what was typed:
What’s wrong with my code?