Read from a txt file via fscanf using vector


Viewed 593 times


I have the following

        fscanf (f, "%d", (*ptr)[add].id);
        fscanf (f, "%s", (*ptr)[add].marca);

Where *ptr is &vector, a vector of a car struct, I have already managed to save but for some reason I do not understand the program, when it loads the file, it breaks.

The file, if important, contains:

1 VW
2 Seat
3 Audi

And the struct is as follows:

typedef struct Auto{

   int id;
   char marca[50];


Thank you!

1 answer


I think you should use the fscanf function itself as a condition, because when reaching the end of the file it returns EOF.

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

struct Automovil {
    int id;
    char marca[50];


void lerArquivo(vector<Automovil> &lista){
    FILE *f = fopen("autos.txt", "r");
    Automovil dados;
    while ( fscanf(f,"%d %s", &, dados.marca) != EOF ) {
        lista.push_back( dados );


int main () {
    vector<Automovil> lista;


    for (unsigned int i = 0; i<lista.size() ; i++ ) {
        cout << "vetor[" << i << "] = ID: " << lista[i].id << ", Marca: " << lista[i].marca << endl;   

    return 0;

However in c++ the correct is to use streams to read from files. A word of advice... Do not use the word auto since it is part of the c++11 standard and is a reserved word of the language.

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