You can make one class, that gets the Enum and that class is related to another that you need.
In other words, it will be a class where your primary key will be Enum.
I use the following code:
A Generic class, which receives the type of enum
public class EnumTable<TEnum>
where TEnum : struct
public TEnum Id { get; set; }
public string Nome { get; set; }
public string Descricao { get; set; }
protected EnumTable() { }
public EnumTable(TEnum enumType)
if (!typeof(TEnum).IsEnum)
throw new Exception($"Argumento inválido do tipo {typeof(TEnum)}");
Id = enumType;
Nome = enumType.ToString();
Descricao = enumType.GetEnumDescription<TEnum>();
public static implicit operator EnumTable<TEnum>(TEnum enumType) => new EnumTable<TEnum>(enumType);
public static implicit operator TEnum(EnumTable<TEnum> status) => status.Id;
Two extension methods, to take the description and do the Seed:
public static string GetEnumDescription<TEnum>(this TEnum item)
=> item.GetType()
.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DescriptionAttribute), false)
.FirstOrDefault()?.Description ?? string.Empty;
public static void SeedEnumValues<T, TEnum>(this IDbSet<T> dbSet, Func<TEnum, T> converter)
where T : class
.Select(value => converter((TEnum)value))
.ForEach(instance => dbSet.AddOrUpdate(instance));
Your enum
public enum MeuEnum
[Description("Em Aberto")]
Aberta = 1,
Fechada = 4,
[Description("Aguardando alguma coisa")]
Aguardando = 5
Your class, inheriting the generic class, informing your Enum:
public class MeuEnumClass: EnumTable<MeuEnum>
public MeuEnumClass(MeuEnum enumType) : base(enumType)
public MeuEnumClass() : base() { } //deve ser definido o construtor padrão para o EF
Your Dbset:
public DbSet<MeuEnumClass> Status { get; set; }
Overwrite the Seed method of the EF configuration class:
protected override void Seed(SeuDbContext context)
context.Status.SeedEnumValues<MeuEnumClass, MeuEnum>(@enum => new MeuEnumClass(@enum));
Ready. Create the migration
and update the data set.
The table will be created with the fields Id, Name and Description where:
Id: It is the PK and also the enum
proper. (A whole shall be informed in the bank)
Name: Is the Value of enum
, for example "Open" in current code
Description Is the value of the attribute Description
informed on enum
, for example "Open" in current code.
Code taken from:
I’m putting it to you as an answer in case someone might need something like this.
I believe that you can not make a Dbset of the type of an Enum ...
– Ricardo