Get href HTML attribute in C#


Viewed 425 times


I have the following code in a Razor view:

<div id="HTMLreturned" class="row">




        var nrLinks = 0;

        $(".enlacesMas > a").each(function(){

            var link = "" + $(this).attr('href').replace("..","");

            // Agora preciso de guardar todos os link num array ou algo do género



In the controller put in the Viewbag.Htmlreturned the result of this line:

ViewBag.HTMLreturned = WebClient.client.DownloadString(meuUrl)

How can I run my code view in my controller to keep each href in variable C#?


The html which jQuery works with is rendered before the script is executed, so these classes are from html within the viewbag

  • 1

    What do you mean, young man? Explain better what you want to do.

  • @jbueno I think it’s clearer now

  • After running each, you want to store all href in an array and return it to a controller. This?

  • @Aline, I don’t want to have a viewat all, I want to do it all in controller

  • Yeah, I didn’t quite understand.

  • I realized now that what I wanted to do is not going to be possible, basically what I need now to turn this jQuery code into code c#

  • Can you explain why you wanted to use backend code instead of Jquery? What was your use case?

  • I had a string that was an html, and I wanted to extract information from it using a language like jQuery, because I already know some techniques

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1 answer


I was able to get exactly the same result in C# by installing the Csquerylatest with Nuget, and writing the following code:

 string htmlCode = "";
        List<string> links = new List<string>();

        using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
            htmlCode = client.DownloadString("");
            var query = CQ.Create(htmlCode);
            var rows = query[".enlacesMas a"];
            foreach (var row in rows)
                var newLink = row.Attributes["href"];
                // aqui guardo todos os link numa lista


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