Recyclerview, problem inserting an item


Viewed 604 times


Talk guys, I’m new on android, I have a problem here, I’m trying to insert items in a Recyclerview, when I use the direct method on the button it is inserting statically good:

public void listenersButtons() {

                floatingActionButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
                    public void onClick(View v) {
                         // Cria uma nova pessoa

                        ModelContato pessoa1 = new ModelContato();

                        //Adiciona a pessoa1 e avisa o adapter que o conteúdo
                        //da lista foi alterado


But now I need to evolve, I want that when click on that same button open a screen with a form and a save button, there I capture the dice and play back to the main.

I’m doing like this:

public void listenersButtons() {

            floatingActionButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
                public void onClick(View v) {

                   Intent it = new Intent(PrincipalActivity.this, Contato.class);


And from there returns the Strings and I’m trying to insert in Recyclerview like this:

            protected void onResume() {

            Intent itt = getIntent();

            if (itt != null){
                Bundle parametro = itt.getExtras();

                if (parametro != null){

                    ModelContato pessoa1 = new ModelContato();

                    if (parametro.getString("nome") != pessoa1.getNome()) {

                        String nome = parametro.getString("nome");
                        String email = parametro.getString("email");
                        String num = parametro.getString("num");




The problem is that now when I return it fills the recycleview correctly with the values I filled in the form, only when doing the process again it replaces, that is, it always stays only 1 item in my list.

I put inside onResume for trial and error, I also tested on onCreate and the same thing happens.

Another detail is that when browsing the application, when I go on another Activity and go back to the main a new item is added, same as the previous one, I tried to fix this with the last if of Cod on onResume, but it didn’t work.

No mistake, but it doesn’t work the way I need it.

Thanks in advance, vlw!

2 answers


Recyclerview does not persist (save) the data that Voce sends to it, when Voce opens another Activity, they get lost.

You need to use a database (Sqlite is the easiest on Android) to save the data form, and use this same database to popular the Recyclerview in Activity Voce shows it.

Take a look at this tutorial (in English):

And this one in Portuguese:

I hope it’s clear what’s going on, any doubt leaves a comment that I try to explain to you ;)

  • Thanks for the stuff.


You should use startActivityForResult instead of startActivity Within onActivityResult, you program to receive an object of type Modelcontact and add in the list that is within Adapter. Finally, give a notifyDataSetChanged on the Adapter.

Na main Activity:

    protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
        if (requestCode == 999) {
            if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {

Click the button to go to the contact add screen

Intent intent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, NewNoteActivity.class);
startActivityForResult(intent, 999);

When Voce saves the user on the add contact screen:

public void salvar(){

    Intent returnIntent = new Intent();
    intent.putExtra("novoUser", usuario);
    setResult(Activity.RESULT_OK, returnIntent);

Remembering that the user entity has to implement Serializable. This is the easiest way I believe.

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