Calculate a Python string


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I would like to make a calculation of a string that I receive, for example:

var = '1+2'

Wanted to turn this string into an account, to return 3 to the variable var and not '1+2', but this would not only be added, it would have subtraction, multiplication and division, it could still have a mixed operation, ex: var = '2*4+1' and so on... I think you’ve understood...

The problem is that I get this account as string

I tried to use the int(var), but it certainly wouldn’t have some function like calc(var)?

  • I believe that what you need is to interpret and process a mathematical expression contained within a string, I found an answer to what you need in this link I hope I helped. Hugs.

1 answer


Assuming you will be careful with the inputs you receive the simplest way is:

var = '1+2'
print(eval(var)) # 3

var = '5*3'
print(eval(var)) # 15

As @jsbueno said well, you can use Ast.literal_eval, which is safer if you don’t have control over the inputs that enter the function eval():

import ast
print(ast.literal_eval('4+10')) # 14
  • 1

    There is the option of ast.literal_eval which only allows the anification of primitive Python types, without executing arbitrary code.

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