What does .container. 31 25 25 in CSS mean?


Viewed 224 times


I am doing a self study on responsive site. In a tutorial I got, there are in the CSS file instructions like:

.container.\31 25\25 {
    width: 100%;
    max-width: 1750px;
    min-width: 1400px;

.container.\37 5\25 {
    width: 1050px;

.container.\35 0\25 {
    width: 700px;

.container.\32 5\25 {
    width: 350px;

What is the meaning of:

.container.\31 25\25 
.container.\37 5\25
.container.\35 0\25
.container.\32 5\25

1 answer


According to the specification of the CSS, are escape characters, because CSS identifiers cannot have special characters, or rather can only have a-Z and 1-9 characters, ISO 10646 characters, hyphen and underline (underline, underscore).

.container.\31 25\25 = .container.125%
.container.\37 5\25  = .container.75%
.container.\35 0\25  = .container.50%
.container.\32 5\25  = .container.25%

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