Read Tags with the same name in XML


Viewed 478 times


I am with the following example XML file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<EnviarLoteRpsEnvio xmlns:xsi=""
<LoteRps Id="Lote4">
        <Rps xmlns:xsi=""
            <InfRps Id="Rps0716072000016300500787"> 

My goal is to obtain the information of each Cnpj TAG separately to be able to identify them as RPS, Provider and Policy Holder Cnpj.

I already managed to get the first XML Cnpj with this code C#

private void btnLerTag_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        //Busca o primeiro CNPJ do XML
        XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
        string ArquivoXML = txtCaminhoXML.Text;
        XmlNode root = doc.DocumentElement;

        XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable);
        nsmgr.AddNamespace("n", "");            
        XmlNode node = root.SelectSingleNode("//n:Cnpj", nsmgr);            

        foreach (XmlNode oNo in node)

Could someone give me some suggestion to solve this problem?

  • You want to know which one node belongs to the particular Cnpj?

  • Exactly that!

1 answer


Basically that would be it, if the layout of is the same as the question:

XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
string ArquivoXML = txtCaminhoXML.Text;
XmlNode root = doc.DocumentElement;

XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable);
nsmgr.AddNamespace("n", "");

XmlNode nodeLoteRps = root.SelectSingleNode("//n:LoteRps", nsmgr)
    .SelectSingleNode("//n:Cnpj", nsmgr);

XmlNode nodeTomador = root.SelectSingleNode("//n:Tomador", nsmgr);

XmlNode nodePrestador = root.SelectSingleNode("//n:Prestador", nsmgr);

Console.WriteLine("LoteRPS: " + nodeLoteRps.InnerText);
Console.WriteLine("Prestador:" + nodePrestador.InnerText);
Console.WriteLine("Tomador: " + nodeTomador.InnerText);

There is also a way with :

XNamespace nsSys = "";
var result = (from c in XDocument.Load("d.xml").Descendants()
                .Elements(nsSys + "LoteRps")
              let a = c.Element(nsSys + "NumeroLote")
              let b = c.Element(nsSys + "Cnpj")
              let d = c.Element(nsSys + "QuantidadeRps")
              let e = c.Element(nsSys + "ListaRps")
                .Element(nsSys + "Rps")
                .Element(nsSys + "InfRps")
                .Element(nsSys + "Prestador")
                .Element(nsSys + "Cnpj")
              let f = c.Element(nsSys + "ListaRps")
              .Element(nsSys + "Rps")
              .Element(nsSys + "InfRps")
              .Element(nsSys + "Tomador")
              .Element(nsSys + "IdentificacaoTomador")
              .Element(nsSys + "CpfCnpj")
              .Element(nsSys + "Cnpj")
              select new
                  NumeroLote = a?.Value,
                  Cnpj = b?.Value,
                  QuantidadeRps = d?.Value,
                  PrestadorCnpj = e?.Value,
                  TomadorCnpj = f?.Value
  • 1

    It worked perfectly. Thanks for the help Virgilio.

  • @Thiagopsw put another formal, can also help more!

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