Delete duplicated postgresql lines


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My code automatically inserts data into a database, making the BD too large and sometimes with repeated information. For this, I want to use the Slowly Changing Dimension (SCD) method so that: - A record with a certain id will be added to the database, and the insertion date will be stored in the field data_inicial

  • As long as this record is equal, the program will only update the data_final
  • When something changes in this record, data_final the record will be updated to the date the change took place and another record will be created with the information that has changed and the data_inicial updated. As represented below:

id | city | start date | end date

123 | São Paulo | 01/10/2016 | 03/12/2016

123 | Rio de Janeiro | 04/12/2016 | 20/01/2017

123 | Fortaleza | 21/01/2017 | 01/01/2999

Obs.: the table will have data from multiple id’s, and more than one die with the same id.

Obs2.: I use a C# code to insert into the database

  • Adding integrity constraints to the database does not resolve for you to avoid replications?

  • My idea was to implement the Slowly Changing Dimension Type 6, which would leave my table the way I presented it in the question. But since the code automatically inserts it into the table, and the final data_is unpredictable, I’m not able to solve it. I even used Unique Constraint with initial data_and id, but it does not solve the same data replication problem in its entirety.

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