Good morning guys, I’m starting in Doctrine 2.4 and I’m developing a system where I separate files from the file core of the application, as follows:
/root |-- /src |-- /App |-- /Model |-- **(Entidades da Aplicação)** |-- /Core |-- /Model |-- **(Entidades do Core)**
In the Doctrine documentation shows the following way to set 1 directory for Entitys:
$config = Setup::createAnnotationMetadataConfiguration(array(__DIR__."/src"), $isDevMode);
But how to set up when I have more than 1 directory that will contain the Entitys of my application, as my example?
Boy, it’s so hard (kkkk)!!! Thank you very much, as soon as you get home I’ll be there and give you feedback!
– LeoFelipe
Harry Potter, I tested the code and it worked. Thank you very much!
– LeoFelipe