Cron granularity is 60 seconds, therefore, by "normal" ways it is not possible to accomplish what you want, every 1 second.
One solution is to bypass with PHP itself.
An idea, which is even adopted by several frameworks such as Laravel, for example is, invoke cron every 1 minute (this time is variable, user-defined).
cron would run the PHP script every minute.
Within the PHP script you control an "infinite loop" with 1-second breaks.
So you get what you want.
If you want you can prolong, making the cron run every 5 minutes. In this scheme the PHP script would be running for 300 seconds, ie 300 iterations.
Of course for this it is recommended that you have a second PHP script which is what will make the iterations in the background.
Explain why you want to run this script once a second... just out of curiosity. Sometimes there is a better solution q put q vc want to do in a php program (interpreted) in crontab.
– TTKDroid