I have a table with several columns, formed through an array with several positions (on average 50 clients), need to delete the result according to the client’s condition, if the client is PENDING it exits the table (exits the array).
img link: http://ap.imagensbrasil.org/images/2017/03/15/pendente-01.png
I am populating the table with NG-REPEAT using the Angularjs ex: {{ item.nome }}, I know that I must apply the rule in my main Controller so that the method (function) is visible in every application and can be reused.
Question: I need a rule (function) that disables or deletes all results that are like: PENDANT related to the client, as seen in the image, remembering that it is no use to delete only a precise variable delete the index related to the client that is PENDING.
I’m not able to delete the customer index.
anyone has a solution, can anyone help me? thanks!!