Access to Wordpress API http-headers using Angular 2


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I’m having a very simple doubt on Angular 2.

I have an application that connects with Rest API of Wordpress and I’m having a problem that I imagine is very simple, but I’m not finding on the web a solution.

I need to recover the data that comes in http-headers in the API I’m accessing, data that comes as total posts and number of pages, I know what are the parameters, but I can’t access them.

How do I access information in Header?

Below is the code of the method I request:

getNoticias(page: number) {
    return this._http.get(this._apiUrl + "noticias/?page=" + page, { headers: this.getHeaders()})
           .map(res => res.json())
  • Angularjs is one thing, Angular 2 is another. JSON does not have header, probably what you need is to access the header of a HTTP request that has as payload a JSON. It would be good for you to [Edit] the question and add the code you use to make the call to the API.

  • In fact, I marked http-headers in the tags, but in doubt I marked the wrong way.

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