How to convert SQL command to LINQ?


Viewed 344 times


I have two classes:

int id,
procedimento int,
quant int
string competencia

int id,
ini idProducao

How to convert the code below to LINQ?

select ((sum(procedimento) + sum(quant)) mod 1111) + 1111 from producao
left join bpi
on = bpi.idProducao
where competencia = '01/2017'

The goal is to sum all the values of the columns procedimento and quant where competencia = '01/2017' and = bpi.idProducao

The sum should be divided by 1111.

To the rest of the division it should be added 1111.

This question of calculating by the 1111, I can do via code.

  • vc is using C# or

  • I’m using C#

  • you can post your production classes and bpi tb, to facilitate the tests

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    See if Link can be useful to you... I’ve used this software (LINQER), there are some limitations (or I don’t know if I was using it wrong... rsrs) but for me it worked well... Rq=1

1 answer


If based on these 2 classes you can do this query as follows.

public class Producao
    public int id { get; set; }
    public int procedimento { get; set; }
    public int quant { get; set; }
    public string competencia { get; set; }

public class Bpi
    public int id { get; set; }
    public int idProducao { get; set; }


var query = from p in listProd
            join b in listBpi on equals b.idProducao into _b
            from b in _b.DefaultIfEmpty()
            where p.competencia == "01/2017"
            group p by into newGroup
            select new
                ProdutoId = newGroup.Key,
                Soma = ((newGroup.Sum(x => x.quant) + newGroup.Sum(x => x.procedimento)) % 1111) + 1111

Now just adjust to your need, probably in made use of the lists I created you will have this object coming from the database. As you yourself mentioned, perhaps you’d better write the calculation of mod out in the query, so you could return the sum of qnt and the sum of separate procedures and in your application do the rest of the calculation

  • I made some adaptations and it worked.

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