Specify DNS server when resolving address


Viewed 671 times


I would like to perform something like a "nslookup" to resolve a site address through my DNS servers, because in the example below, I get only through the DNS I have on my machine.

How could I inform my server IP to resolve the Google address for example?

import socket

dns = socket.gethostbyname('www.google.com')
  • So, imagine that I have DNS servers of my own and want to resolve addresses like google, facebook through my DNS`s.

  • This, let’s assume that I want to resolve the www.terra.com address through google’s DNS(, as I would do?

  • If you run this command on the terminal, you will understand "nslookup www.terra.com.br". With this command resolves the land address through google DNS.

  • 1

    Maybe this function will help: gethostbyname_ex('www.google.com'), See if that helps

  • No, I need to figure out a way to pass my DNS address to address "www.google.com:

1 answer


Natively there seems to be no way to do this.

Alternatively, you can use the module dns.resolver of the tool set dnspython.

To install on Ubuntu/Debian, via apt-get, do:

sudo apt-get install python-dnspython

If you prefer to install via pip:

sudo pip install dnspython

To specify the server, use the attribute nameservers of the object Resolver.

import dns.resolver

resolver = dns.resolver.Resolver(configure=False)

# é o DNS público do Google
resolver.nameservers = ['']

answers = resolver.query('google.com')

for rdata in answers:
    print (rdata.address)

More information:

  • 1

    Excellent, it was just specifying my`s DNS that I can test correctly. "configure=False" is for not using the DNS address on my network card, that’s it?

  • Stderr’s is back...

  • Do not recode "Pip" with "sudo" as an alternative - mainly on a system where the package exists - the package installed by PIP will conflict with the package installed by "apt" (for example, an apt package that has the package installed as PIP as a prerequisite will not work)

  • and on systems where the package does not exist (either .deb, .rpm, or on Windows as a whole) the best option is to create a virtualenv: that way the installation with Pip is local to the project and does not conflict with the system’s Python.

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